The experience and collaborative approach that Chris brings means he can very quickly work with engineers, product managers and others to shape design concepts into a practical reality that can be implemented with speed and quality.
A brief intro and then you're straight into the app. If you're struggling to think of something to ask for there are selectable hints floating by.
I have worked closely with Chris for years, always in awe of his ability to switch seamlessly between visual design, UX, concepting, branding, slideware and copywriting - consistently producing outstanding results.
Viewing the great playlist that Gumbot has created for you. As well as listening to it you can also save it to your preferred music service.
Gumbot is available on iOS, Android and iPad, (both in landscape and portrait orientation).
Me getting my crayons out to create a Gumbot character. I was inspired by classic robots such as Robby the Robot from the 1956 film Forbidden Planet. The design of the robot mirrors the flow of the app. Sound enters through Gumbots head and he turns what he hears into music.
Gumbot was made into a sticker and is currently on his third reprint. If you want one come and say hello to Audiogum, but be quick because people love that guy.
A social update when Gumbot was launched on Android Orio.